124 days until May 26 - June 1, 2025

An Official PGA TOUR Event


Learn More About Memorial Hospitality

If you don’t see what you're looking for we will work to customize a package specifically for you.

With every traditional package the Memorial Tournament offers, there is opportunity to customize the elements included in the package to best suit a client’s needs. We work with each sponsor to understand their goals, preferences and budget to then determine the best options for a successful partnership. If you don’t see what you are looking for, simply tell us what you need. We will work to customize a package specifically for you.

Please contact us for opportunities.

Yes. Hospitality packages can be purchased on an individual basis or for groups as small as two people. Please see the 1976 Club or Nicklaus Club option. If further options are required, please contact us to discuss opportunities for customization.

The Memorial Tournament has many opportunities to co-brand with partners in the marketplace including promotional and media opportunities. However, in effort to uphold the standards and integrity established at the Memorial Tournament’s inception, on-course company-specific or promotional signage is not permitted. See Advertising or Community.

The Memorial Tournament customizes sponsorship and retail activation programs each year surrounding various events and cause marketing programs, which enable opportunities for product exposure. Please see Community or Contact us for details.