124 days until May 26 - June 1, 2025

An Official PGA TOUR Event


Advertisement Opportunities

The Memorial magazine is an affluent lifestyle magazine influenced by golf legend Jack Nicklaus' philosophy of honor, tradition and excellence.

The Memorial magazine showcases Tournament highlights, the top players, our annual Honoree, the host—Jack Nicklaus—and in-depth features on the history of the game and informed reports on the Tournament's worldwide and community impact.

Get In Touch

Please feel free to reach out for more information about advertisement opportunities.

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Current Distribution

20,000+ Including

Mailing to all the Memorial Tournament ticket buyers.

Mailing to all the Memorial Tournament ticket buyers.

Delivery to select central Ohio zip codes & locations.

Distribution to key Fortune 500 companies, Tournament sponsors, dignitaries & guests.

Included with merchandise purchase at all golf shops.

Digital distribution through the Memorial Tournament website.

Half-Page, Four-Color Advertisement:

Includes four daily Golden Bear Club badges and *four $25 food and beverage cards.

Full-Page, Four-Color Advertisement:

Includes six daily Golden Bear Club badges and *six $25 food and beverage cards.

(*)To be eligible for food & beverage cards all orders must be received by March 1st.

Hospitality Packages

Hospitality Packages

Included with each advertisement is a hospitality package providing access to the Golden Bear Club adjacent to #10 fairway.

  • Access for up to six guests each day Thursday - Sunday
  • Includes your choice of menu for purchase & cash bar
  • A/C, TV's & open seating in a sports bar setting